And Little Ainsley
AJ with flowers in her hair
AJ is really growing like a weed. She has done very well since the move. She was still suckin on a nuk (her nana) AND taking a bottle at night, both of which should have stopped around a year ago. But I never had the heart to take them away, and with the stress of the move I waited. But now I am pleased to say she has passed the baby stage, and moved on to toddling, and babbling like the village idiot. Getting rid of the nuk did wonders for her speech. Now we are moving on to potty training. I bought her a royal throne that sings queenly music shen she potties. She just likes to stick her hand in there to make the music, so i have to give her stickers just to get her to try and sit on it for now.
This is AJ with the rocks she liked to put in her diaper when we satyed with mom and dad at the Goodfellow rec camp.

Now this picture...if you look closely, you will see AJ wearing one of my sportsbras (in her own unique way) and writing a love note to her mommy on the door with sunscreen spray. Wow this girl really loves me. You should see the message she left on the hallway wall in permanent marker. What a doll... (?)
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