Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Visit

This week bob's daughter Tisha and her boyfriend Tony ;) came to visit, as well as Bob's brother Rick. Many people asked how they were liking Texas (mostly Texans who fully expected to hear an answer along the lines of "they love it here, the people are so nice, and the scrubbrush is beautiful in the moonlight, they are planning to buy a house here and never leave".) But due to the fact that they were on vacation and decided never to leave the house except for forced marches to get candy from strangers and to hear the D scale in many amusing ways, they had no such response. Sorry Texans, they're gonna stay Ohioans for now.

Just a few more pictures I didn't have time to work on before. It took a little while because my photoshop installed in Spanish and when I do something it doesn't like it beeps at me, but I can't tell what Im doing wrong. Its a different version than the one I use at work, and I work on a mac there and a PC at home, so it always takes me a while to adjust when I switch. Anyway, Ill just send them along to the family as I get them.

Halloween Haunts

Halloween has come and gone again, and I have yet to learn my lesson to buy/make costumes early, so as to not be in a rush the eve of halloween, beacause I feel like a horrible mom because I didn't do it early, and now I need to find the perfect costume. Maybe next year. Luckily, everything worked out for the best. Laryn, in a fit of Larynness, decided she wanted to be Frankenstein (the monster, not the if people actually relate the name Frankenstein to Gene Wilder). I ended up making her costume but it all came together pretty well.
AJ wanted to be Cinderella, or at least a princess. Luckily shes still at that age where you can tell her an elmo t-shirt is a pretty princess dress, and she'll parade around in it. I got this snow princess outfit thinking she'd think it was a Belle dress, from Beauty and the beast, because Belle always wears a cape. She loved it. Plus she was much warmer than she would have been if I had gotten her a Cinderella outfit.

Kenah decided she wanted to be Daphne from Scooby-Doo. Im not even going to go into that story. Luckily that worked out pretty well in the end, too.
And apparently measuring cups are an integral part of trick or treating, because we couldn't leave the house without them. I missed the part of the night where they became useful, though.