Gimme a K! E! N! A! H!
Gender By Feet was the name of the Science Fair Project that won 2nd place out of 60 at the Lincoln Science Fair Exhibition. That Project belonged to my very favorite twelve year old, who happens to also be my daughter. Now, I thought that, being as it was not exactly a very technical project, being on FEET and all, she would maybe do well in her category, (she got 1st), but we never really expected her to do so well overall. (she must have given a very good presentation) And as science is my forte (or was) I am obviously overly overjoyed. She had a really good time at regionals, but sadly, as Kenah put it, (with disdain dripping from her tongue) "the judges here just have a thing against feet."

The whole reference to Cheerleading in the title is because she was also selected to be a cheerleader for Lincoln next year. I fully expect you all to buy some delicious cookie dough so that I can afford to send her to cheerleading summer camp in June. email me at to let me know how much you want. If you're not in San Angelo, Ill find a way to get it to you. I will put some pics of her in her uniform up as soon as I take her to the Studio to get some.
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