Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Home Of Our Own

This is a picture of the house we are building in the Northern area of San Angelo, called Paulann West. They have finished putting up all the framing, and insulation stuff, and have finally put the roof on. We talked to the builder today when we went out to look at the house and he assures us that it will be done on August 1st. We are quite excited, after having lived in dorms, and apartments, and military housing for the last fifteen years, to finally have a home of our own.

These are just pictures down the street to the right and left of our house. Four houses down on the left side, is a foundation that will soon be the Ericsons house.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Go AJ, We're Gonna Party Like It's Your Birthday!!

Well, it's hard to imagine, but my baby is a full grown two-year-old already. Wow, how time flies away from us.

We had just a small party with the five of us, and of course, Spongebob was there too. It's not a party in this house without Spongebob. The festivities included: A cake shoveling contest:

AJ won.

And a "try to keep AJ from licking all the frosting of the cake" contest.

AJ won that too.

All in all, it was a fun-filled little shindig.

Happy Birthday Sweetie.