Well, we were finally able to get out of San Angelo this weekend. Luckily, Bob had a two day class in San Antonio and had to be there Sunday night, so we all went down Sat. morning, and left him there sunday afternoon. We had an excellent trip, and (thanks to Anheuser-Busch) a pretty inexpensive one at that. We were able to go to Sea World, rent a stroller, buy a plush Shamu, eat, get ice cream, get a hotel, eat again, go to the riverwalk and take the ferry boat ride, eat again, and see the alamo all for under $200. I really do appreciate companies like Anheuser-Busch...every single one in my family got in free to Sea World, thanks to their "Here's to the Heroes" campaign. (saved us $200) It's nice to know people support the men in uniform and their families like that. I really hate beer, but I might just drink a Bud Light now and again to say thanks.

AJ of course got to get the plush Shamu, as we all did when we were kids.

The older kids were very upset that we didn't sit close enough at the shamu show to get wet, so we let them get wet at the kiddy park later. Laryn didn't know that entailed also freezing her butt off afterwards.

AJ sitting on the wall contemplating the beauty she beheld at the show.

Pretty good picture of Kenah at the kiddy park. (Still smiling here...but wait)

AJ was very happy to dit and rest for a picture as long as Shamu had a blanket cause he was very cold.

MY flamingos mommy. MY flamingos.