Sunday, April 08, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I have fallen in love...
With San Antonio... I had been there before, but as a seven year old, it doesn't strike you quite as much. The riverwalk so reminded me of Europe that I am seriously considering moving there and waiting for Bob to finish up in San Angelo so he can join me. Thinking of buying a little apartment/condo above the river for $300K. Not bad, huh?
Whale Watching
Well, we were finally able to get out of San Angelo this weekend. Luckily, Bob had a two day class in San Antonio and had to be there Sunday night, so we all went down Sat. morning, and left him there sunday afternoon. We had an excellent trip, and (thanks to Anheuser-Busch) a pretty inexpensive one at that. We were able to go to Sea World, rent a stroller, buy a plush Shamu, eat, get ice cream, get a hotel, eat again, go to the riverwalk and take the ferry boat ride, eat again, and see the alamo all for under $200. I really do appreciate companies like Anheuser-Busch...every single one in my family got in free to Sea World, thanks to their "Here's to the Heroes" campaign. (saved us $200) It's nice to know people support the men in uniform and their families like that. I really hate beer, but I might just drink a Bud Light now and again to say thanks.

The older kids were very upset that we didn't sit close enough at the shamu show to get wet, so we let them get wet at the kiddy park later. Laryn didn't know that entailed also freezing her butt off afterwards.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Gimme a K! E! N! A! H!
Gender By Feet was the name of the Science Fair Project that won 2nd place out of 60 at the Lincoln Science Fair Exhibition. That Project belonged to my very favorite twelve year old, who happens to also be my daughter. Now, I thought that, being as it was not exactly a very technical project, being on FEET and all, she would maybe do well in her category, (she got 1st), but we never really expected her to do so well overall. (she must have given a very good presentation) And as science is my forte (or was) I am obviously overly overjoyed. She had a really good time at regionals, but sadly, as Kenah put it, (with disdain dripping from her tongue) "the judges here just have a thing against feet."

The whole reference to Cheerleading in the title is because she was also selected to be a cheerleader for Lincoln next year. I fully expect you all to buy some delicious cookie dough so that I can afford to send her to cheerleading summer camp in June. email me at to let me know how much you want. If you're not in San Angelo, Ill find a way to get it to you. I will put some pics of her in her uniform up as soon as I take her to the Studio to get some.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Yogurt Castles
Having seen that the only way I could fit the yogurt into my fridge was to stack it, AJ and Owen just HAD to make castles in the middle of the kitchen floor. As it kept them busy while I made them a gourmet lunch, I didnt mind. And since they toppled over every few seconds or so, mine was nicely shaken when I ate it. 
BTW, Congratulations to Jennifer and Scott on #4, Skyler Hope (sp?) who was born yesterday the 22nd of January, at about 1:45 pm. Im starting to envy you all the help you are creating around the house. Maybe I will catch up with you! You have some very sweet children by the way.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
SNOW day????
Gimme an A...Gimme a J!!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The Visit
This week bob's daughter Tisha and her boyfriend Tony ;) came to visit, as well as Bob's brother Rick. Many people asked how they were liking Texas (mostly Texans who fully expected to hear an answer along the lines of "they love it here, the people are so nice, and the scrubbrush is beautiful in the moonlight, they are planning to buy a house here and never leave".) But due to the fact that they were on vacation and decided never to leave the house except for forced marches to get candy from strangers and to hear the D scale in many amusing ways, they had no such response. Sorry Texans, they're gonna stay Ohioans for now.

Halloween Haunts
Halloween has come and gone again, and I have yet to learn my lesson to buy/make costumes early, so as to not be in a rush the eve of halloween, beacause I feel like a horrible mom because I didn't do it early, and now I need to find the perfect costume. Maybe next year. Luckily, everything worked out for the best. Laryn, in a fit of Larynness, decided she wanted to be Frankenstein (the monster, not the if people actually relate the name Frankenstein to Gene Wilder). I ended up making her costume but it all came together pretty well.
AJ wanted to be Cinderella, or at least a princess. Luckily shes still at that age where you can tell her an elmo t-shirt is a pretty princess dress, and she'll parade around in it. I got this snow princess outfit thinking she'd think it was a Belle dress, from Beauty and the beast, because Belle always wears a cape. She loved it. Plus she was much warmer than she would have been if I had gotten her a Cinderella outfit.
Kenah decided she wanted to be Daphne from Scooby-Doo. Im not even going to go into that story. Luckily that worked out pretty well in the end, too.
And apparently measuring cups are an integral part of trick or treating, because we couldn't leave the house without them. I missed the part of the night where they became useful, though.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Yet More Pics (Hey Im a photographer at heart)

I was able to take the girls back to the studio, but I still wasn't able to get very many pictures. It's very hard to concentrate on taking pictures of one when the other two are running around my workplace (one of them stinking to high heaven, but Im not naming names)... Anyway, we were lucky that Kenah was able to bring her violin home for the weekend so we could get some pictures with it. (shes a little off center, but Im just gonna pretend I meant to do that)

I still plan on going back sometime, maybe on a Sunday when we're closed. I am trying to learna bout the lighting this way, and there are some settings on the camera I need to see what they do. More to come.